Casa Kiro Joyas



Although an architect by profession, I always needed to create things with my hands. Jewelry surprised me, allowing me to bring together what I liked to do as a child: tell stories, paint and build objects. With my work I always seek to discover and understand different aspects of our cultural identity. Since 2010, I divide my time between working for my brand Casa Kiro Joyas and more reflective, personal work. Using resin, silver, copper and found objects, I create pieces by casting, painting and traditional jewelry making techniques. I am a member of the Joya Brava Association, Chile, thanks to which I have had the opportunity to present my work in Latin America and Europe. In 2016 I won the Second Prize in the first Latin American Contemporary Jewelry Biennial in Argentina. Although my jewelry studies have been fragmented and self-taught, I have been fortunate to have had tutors such as Jorge Manilla, Attai Chen and Jorge Casta̱on, among others. РVania Ruiz- Casa Kiro Joyas

Artisan’s Gallery