Jewellery found through EA tells a story; is valued for the creativity, expertise and passion in which it is crafted; and, is intended to be a lasting and treasured piece in its wearer’s collection.

We have a deep understanding and connection to the jewellery world, and take pride in developing relationships with each individual artisan.

We continually search far and wide for new artisan-made work, so we can offer a carefully curated and ever-growing collection that represents the utmost in quality, craftsmanship and design.

We support both established artisans—whose work is highly collected, award-winning, and is made using innovative techniques pushing the boundaries of design—as well as those emerging in the field. Many of our artisans’ work is exclusive to EA.

Whether a contemporary jewellery collector or someone who simply appreciates beautifully handcrafted work, through EA we hope you’ll find unique jewellery that transcends seasons and endures the test of time, that is memorable, and infinitely wearable.

Eclectic Artisans is an online gallery showcasing handcrafted contemporary jewellery.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Handmade Jewellery

Handmade jewellery has been a wardrobe staple for centuries. has written down some interesting facts about handmade jewellery to help you understand the appeal behind these artistic creations.

4 Advantages of Buying Artisan Handmade Jewellery

Artisan or handmade products such as jewellery are considered to be more authentic, genuine and meaningful as compared to those assembled in a factory. The artisan’s artistic touch is one of the factors that separate handmade products from company-assembled products.

5 Reasons Why Jewelry is Important to Modern-day Women

Jewellery is often viewed as a fashion accessory for completing an outfit. For many, a look is not complete until the right accessories are added. A "classic" look, for instance, demands pearls and diamonds for completion.

Art as Jewellery: From Calder to Kapoor

This book, by Louisa Guinness puts her expertise as a collector and gallery owner on full display, with a narrative this is both informative and insightful. Art as Jewellery is far more than a coffee table work,

Meet the Maker – Jaesun Won

EA finds itself in South Korea, at the studio of Jaesun Won for the next interview in our ‘Meet the Maker’ series. Jaesun gives us an insight into how today’s contemporary studio jeweller often finds themselves juggling a myriad of jobs and tasks whilst exhibiting globally. In Jaesun’s case she works as a teacher/lecturer at University, whilst maintaining a thriving studio. We look at what inspires her and what it was that brought her to the decision to be a designer-maker. Enjoy the read…